Enjoy Good Health

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Live Well, Live Healthy

                                       EXERCISE AND CALORIES

     Food habits and your intake of calories are all-important in adding 20 years of healthy, exciting living to your life. But don't ignore the role of exercise.
     Whenever you exercise, you burn up calories. You even burn up a few calories when you are sitting in a chair or sleeping.
     To achieve the proper balace between eating (taking in calories) and exercises (burning them up), you must take a look at how many calories you are consuming and how many you are getting rid of through exercise.
     Here I am going to tell you how many calories you will burn up in various forms of exercise.
     If you burn up the same number of calories you consume, your weight will stay the same. If you burn up more calories, you will lose weight. If you consume more than you burn up, you will gain weight.

                                                YOUR IDEAL WEIGHT

     You should ask your family doctor what your ideal weight range is. The following table gives general guidelines for the ideal range of men and women, based on their height and their frame:

                                               WEIGHT OF PERSONS 20 to 30 YEARS OLD

HEIGHT (without shoes)                          WEIGHT (without clothing)

                                                MEN      LOW     AVERAGE      HIGH
                                                                lbs.         lbs.                  lbs.

5 feet  3 inches                                         118        129                 141
5 feet  4 inches                                         122        133                 145
5 feet  5 inches                                         126        137                 149
5 feet 6 inches                                          130        142                 155
5 feet  7 inches                                         134        147                 161
5 feet  8 inches                                         139        151                 166
5 feet  9 inches                                         143        155                 170
5 feet  10 inches                                       147        159                 174
5 feet  11 inches                                       150        163                 178
6 feet                                                       154        167                 183
6 feet  1 inch                                            158        171                 188
6 feet  2 inches                                         162        175                 192
6 feet  3 inches                                         165        178                 195


4 feet                                                      94                                  101
5 feet                                                     101          109                 118
5 feet  1 inch                                          104          112                 121
5 feet  2 inches                                       107          115                 125
5 feet  3 inches                                       110          118                 128
5 feet  4 inches                                       113          122                 132
5 feet  5 inches                                       116          125                 135
5 feet  6 inches                                       120          129                 139
5 feet  7 inches                                       123          132                 142
5 feet  8 inches                                       126          136                 146
5 feet  9 inches                                       130          140                 151
5 feet  10 inches                                     133          144                 156
5 feet  11 inches                                     137          148                 161
6 feet                                                     141          152                 166

     You can undo the errors of years of faulty eating by merely changing a few simple diet habits. You will shed excess pounds, look younger, improve your health. You will be on your way to a longer happier life.

I sew for you. Contact Linda G. at a1itsinthebag@gmail.com

http://lindagjehoich.blogspot.com/, http://listening4u.blogspot.com/, http://a1itsinthebag.blogspot.com/, http://www.orble.com/winning                                             </145494>

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